Thursday, February 14, 2008

T.A. Audience

Ok, I'm not sure exactly what she's looking for here, so I'm just going to discuss my audience I guess and talk about how I would go about targeting them. Right now I'm planning to write about school uniforms and why they increase productivity among students.
Obviously conservative people would not really have a problem with school uniforms. A lot of private schools already have them. So I would probably want to target more liberal people. I guess I could either target school administrators (like school boards) or parents in these areas, because it seems that PTAs actually do have somewhat of a say in what goes on in schools. In order to target these people effectively I would have to stress the fact that even with uniforms students would be able to have some sort of originality. That seems to be a common concern. I even thought that about school uniforms before. I figured they would take away my individuality. But I really do think that the pros outweigh that con. Plus it is still possible to have your own style and personality even with a school uniform.
With this audience I would also have to stress the fact that I think uniforms will definitely increase productivity among students. By that I mean better grades, and therefore higher test scores, and thus more money for the school district. I would talk about test scores and money especially if I were targeting the school administration. If I were targeting the parents I would focus more on the kids' grades and what that would mean for their futures. If their kids' schools had uniforms it would increase the general productivity of all the students, which would include their own children. And isn't success in college and career what parents want the most for their kids?


Brandon Pedersen said...

I think this topic almost lends itself to a dual audience, both the PTA and the school board. One very important issue not to overlook is cost. The school will have to place bulk orders, provide a catalog, and the parents themselves will actually have to buy them. So keep that in mind.

Robert (Bob) Stewart said...

In response to Brandon, I actually attended a school where uniforms were required. I don't think that the school acted as a middleman for purchasing uniforms. At least I was there when we went shopping and bought my slacks and shirt.

Although cost is a factor, depending on the uniform, the cost is not much different from other types of clothing.